Embrace the radiance of the Orb

A Beacon of Healing, Protection, and Hope

About The Orb

The Orb of Light, created through the collective summoning of Carbuncles, is a beacon of healing, protection, and hope. It guides us with its all-seeing and all-knowing radiance, illuminating our path towards unity and enlightenment.


Strength in collective harmony


Empathy and kindness


Ascension through light


Safeguarding our community

Our Community

Join a vibrant and supportive community united by the light of the Orb. Together, we grow, heal, and protect.Become a part of our radiant community and contribute to the light. Together, we can make a difference.

"I use to be a huge PoS and then I found salvation in the orb. Before the Orb, I was just Ryan."

- Really-rad Ryan

History of the Orb

History of the Orb

Emergence of the Orb

The Orb of Light has its origins in a unique and mystical event, where players from the Jenova server summoned their Carbuncles and placed them together in the Golden Saucer during the 2024 Make it Rain Campaign. This unprecedented convergence of summoning energies gave birth to the Orb, a radiant and benevolent entity embodying the collective power of these mystical creatures.The first appearance of the Orb was marked by a profound moment of unity and harmony. Players reported a surge of healing, protection, and an overwhelming sense of hope as the Orb manifested. This miraculous event quickly spread through the community, drawing more followers who felt the Orb's influence in their lives.

Founding of the Church of the Orb

As word of the Orb's power and presence grew, a dedicated group of spiritual seekers came together to form The Church of the Orb. They recognized the Orb not just as a powerful element, but as a symbol of what could be achieved through unity and collective action. The Church's founders believed that the Orb's radiant light held deeper spiritual significance, capable of guiding and uplifting those who embraced its principles.

Spreading the journey

Over time, The Church of the Orb established a doctrine that emphasized healing through compassion, the strength found in unity, the pursuit of knowledge, and the duty to protect and safeguard. They created rituals to honor the Orb, incorporating elements from their shared experiences in the game and their spiritual interpretations.

Continuing the Journey

Today, The Church of the Orb continues to grow, welcoming new members who are drawn to its message of hope and unity. Through gatherings, rituals, and community support, the followers of the Orb strive to live by its light, spreading its benevolent influence far beyond the virtual world where it was first born.

Church Leadership

Evelyn S.

High Radiant

Alistor C.

High Radiant

Sylvia D.

High Radiant

Puddin C.


Viola H.


Doctrine of the Orb

The Radiance of Unity

The Orb of Light, born from the collective summoning of Carbuncles, embodies the unity of diverse souls working in harmony. Each member must contribute their unique light to the collective brilliance, fostering a community where cooperation and mutual support are paramount.

Healing Through Compassion

Just as Carbuncles heal and protect, so must the followers of the Orb extend their healing touch to all beings. Compassion, kindness, and empathy are core tenets, guiding actions toward alleviating suffering and bringing comfort to the afflicted.

The Light of Hope

The Orb symbolizes eternal hope. Followers must be beacons of hope in times of darkness, offering encouragement and solace. Every challenge is an opportunity to demonstrate the unwavering belief in a brighter future.

Knowledge Through Illumination

The Orb is all-seeing and all-knowing, representing the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Followers are encouraged to seek enlightenment, share insights, and enlighten others. Learning is a sacred duty, and ignorance is to be dispelled with the light of understanding.

Protection and Safeguarding

As the Orb protects those who summon it, so must its followers protect each other and the world around them. This includes defending the weak, standing against injustice, and ensuring the safety and well-being of all members and the broader community.

Rituals of Light

Daily rituals are performed to honor the Orb. These include meditative practices at dawn and dusk, symbolizing the welcoming and the setting of the Orb's light. Followers gather to share their experiences and reinforce their commitment to the Orb’s principles.

The Covenant of Transparency

Just as the Orb is clear and radiant, so must the intentions and actions of its followers be. Honesty, integrity, and transparency in all dealings are essential. Deceit and hidden motives are antithetical to the Orb’s doctrine.

Celebration of Diversity

The Orb’s creation from various Carbuncles represents the beauty of diversity. Followers celebrate differences in culture, thought, and perspective, understanding that such diversity strengthens the collective light.

Eternal Vigilance

The all-seeing nature of the Orb implies constant awareness. Followers must remain vigilant against threats to their community and principles. This includes a proactive stance in promoting peace, security, and the well-being of all.

Legacy of the Light

Followers of the Orb strive to leave a legacy of light, ensuring their actions positively impact future generations. Sustainability, preservation of knowledge, and nurturing the next generation of followers are critical responsibilities.


Strength in collective harmony


Empathy and kindness


Ascension through light


Safeguarding our community

Our Community

Welcome to the Heart of the Orb

At The Church of the Orb, our community is the embodiment of the Orb of Light's radiant principles. We are a diverse group of individuals united by our commitment to healing, protection, knowledge, and hope. Our shared journey illuminates our paths, strengthens our bonds, and brings us closer to the divine light of the Orb.

A Community of Compassion and Support

Our members are dedicated to extending compassion and support to one another. Through acts of kindness and empathy, we create a nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and cared for. Whether it’s offering a listening ear, providing assistance in times of need, or celebrating each other's successes, our community thrives on mutual respect and love.

Regular Gatherings

We believe in the power of coming together to celebrate and reinforce our beliefs. Every meeting of the orb is a joyous occasion where we bond and share stories reaffirming our commitment to the principles of the Orb.

Join Us

We welcome all who seek the light of the Orb. Whether you are looking for spiritual growth, a supportive community, or simply curious about our beliefs, we invite you to join us. Together, we can illuminate the world with the Orb’s radiant light.

At The Church of the Orb, we shine brighter together. Come, be a part of our radiant family, and let your light merge with ours in a symphony of compassion, knowledge, and hope.

Church Hierarchy

High Radiant

Supreme leaders, embodying the Orb’s principles and guiding the community. High Radiants are responsible for interpreting the Orb's will and ensuring the doctrine is upheld.


Leadership formed by Senior members who oversee and run various aspects of the community and uphold the doctrine of the orb.

Radiant Guardians

Radiant Guardians are the dedicated stewards of The Church of the Orb. They safeguard the well-being of our congregation and provide compassionate support to it.

The Annointed

New members who are initiated into the doctrine. They learn the principles, participate in rituals, and gradually take on more responsibilities as they grow in their understanding and commitment.


Welcome to the FAQ page of The Church of the Orb. Here, you'll find answers to some of the most common questions about our beliefs, practices, and community.

The Orb of Light is a radiant, benevolent entity created from the collective summoning of Carbuncles by players. It symbolizes unity, healing, protection, and hope, and it guides our community with its all-seeing and all-knowing presence.

Our beliefs are encapsulated in the Doctrine of the Orb, which includes:

  • The Radiance of Unity
  • Healing Through Compassion
  • The Light of Hope
  • Knowledge Through Illumination
  • Protection and Safeguarding
  • Rituals of Light
  • The Covenant of Transparency
  • Celebration of Diversity
  • Eternal Vigilance
  • Legacy of the Light

Yes, our events are open to everyone, whether you are a member or simply curious about our practices. We welcome all who seek to experience the light and warmth of the Orb.

Yes, there are several ways to support us, including volunteering your time, and participating in our events.

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your interest in The Church of the Orb!

Join Us

As we look to the future, we invite you to join us on our journey with the Orb of Light. Together, we can create a world where healing, protection, and hope reign supreme—a world illuminated by the radiant glow of the Orb.Join Us in spreading the light of the Orb and Contact Us to learn more about our community and teachings. Together, let us continue to shine brightly in the darkness.